Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dont Know Much About History: Cold War

How many television sets were sold in 1950? How did television change America? What other factors changed America in the 50s?

· There were more then 4 million sold and they provided a new source of entertainment.

· When people expanded and moved out to the suburbs it created a large demand for cars. And with cars came highways, fast food and drive-ins.

What three important novels were published in the 50s? What did they do or promote?

· The Catcher in the Rye – was written by J.D. Salinger. It was about the alienation of the youth.

· The Naked and the Dead – was written by Norman Mailer and it presented us with the uncomfortable views of soldiers and what they had to go through.

· On the Road – it was a book that went against the ideas of conformity in America.

What was the Iron Curtain?

· It was what separated the Soviets and the Europeans

What was the Truman Doctrine about?

· Truman helping Turkey and Greece so they wouldn’t be controlled by the Soviets.

What were the “witch hunts” of the 1950s? Why did this happen?

· This is when people were scared of communism and the government help make people even more scared and said that the communists were spying on you, and the Witch hunts was just the hunting of communists.

Who was Klaus Fuchs? Describe the Rosenberg case?

· He leaked Atomic bomb information to Soviet Russia. Rosenberg wouldn’t talk about the secrets they gave away so the killed him.

What was the Korean War about? Why was MacArthur removed from service?

· North Korea (supported by the communists) invaded South Korea (supported by the U.S.). They removed MacArthur because he thought if the U.S. were going to contain communism that we would need to kill china. And MacArthur had a disagreement with Truman.

What was important about Brown v. Board of Education? How did Eisenhower have to enforce it’s ruling in Little Rock?

· His daughter wasn’t allowed to go to the white public schools because she was black, so Eisenhower sent paratroopers to protect her.

Discuss the importance of the Montgomery Bus Strike.

· This was when Rosa Parks wouldn’t move to the back of the bus, this caused a lot of extra tension between the whites and blacks. She was arrested and then Martin Luther King Jr. voiced his opinions and asked the blacks to stand up for themselves and to start boycotting buses. (Montgomery’s transportation specifically)

Discuss the beginning of the space race.

· This was the launch of Sputnik (mans first artificial satellite), so Soviets started leading in the race and beating the U.S. so the U.S. responded by increasing American education in the field of rocketry. The race was on now to be the first to get to the moon.

Journey's Chapter 30 # 9-15

9) So the Germans from the east wouldn’t flee into the west and to stop the western influence.

10) There were Missiles in Cuba and he feared this could lead to a war. This was known as the Cuban missile crisis.

11) It allowed him to use American forces in Vietnam and basically allowed him to take any measures necessary to force back any armed attack against the U.S.

12) It was the chemical Herbicide and they sprayed it to clear out the forests and tall grasses in Vietnam. However it is believed to have contaminated a lot of Americans and Vietnamese, which caused serious health problems.

13) The Tet offensive was a series of attacks that happened throughout South Vietnam. It targeted American military bases and South Vietnam’s major cities. This was a big turning point in the war.


· In WWII we had an actual reason to fight

· The newer generation didn’t believe in fighting as strongly as the older generation did

· It was going to cost a lot of money

· People were being forced (drafted) to join the military


· The younger generation didn’t support him

· Having someone new take power while a country is loosing a war isn’t the best idea, especially because he had a different view on the way things should have been done during the war

· Because of that no one trusted his decisions involving the war

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Journey questions

9) Winston Churchill coined the term “Iron Certain” which meant that the Soviets had cut off Eastern Europe from the west.

11) A cold war was a war in which the two enemies did not actually fight each other. Instead each nation began building up its military forces and arms to intimidate the other.

13) It provided billions of dollars in loans to help returning GI’s—soldiers, sailors, and marines—attend college, receive special training, set up businesses or buy homes. It also provided unemployment and health benefits for the GI’s as they looked for jobs.

15) The agreement that ended the war created a demilitarized zone, a region where military forces could not enter, between North and South Korea. The war ended with neither side achieving victory and there were almost no territory changes. There were many casualties on all sides.

16) The HUAC began investigating communist subversion in the nation. The Committee questioned people about their knowledge of communists or communist sympathizers.

5) Alaska and Hawaii

9) Fidel Castro

10) Jets became revolutionized after the production of the 707 jet. It was able to carry more then 100 passengers at a time. Computers were also starting to gain ground and be used for big businesses.

14) People began to move to the suburbs, which kept a great amount of the population out of the city, except for those affected by poverty. This lead to a large amount of poverty in the cities.

16) If they had nuclear weapons they would not need to have large armies because they would already hold enough power from the nuclear weapons.

17) Since people moved to the suburbs they are more spread out and because they need to get around to run errands and go to the store, there was a higher demand for more cars.