Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Questions 1-22 from Journey Book

1.) To blockade is to close or stop and offensive means on the attack, both are strategies used in the war.

2.) Blockade runners were Confederate ships that would sail in and out of southern ports and the Ironclad was a rebuilt wooden ship covered in thick iron plates used by the south.

3) The Border states were four states (Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware) that allowed slavery that remained in the Union accompanied by 20 free states.

4) Habeas Corpus a law that guarantees accused individuals the right to a hearing before being jailed and a draft was a law that required men between the ages of 18 and 35 to serve in the army for three years.

5) 1861-1865

6) They had better leaders, they were fighting a defensive war, they had greater a will to fight.

7) The Union was lead by Abraham Lincoln and the Confederates were lead by Jefferson Davis

8) She was a nurse who became famous for her work with wounded soldiers and is best remembered for organizing the American Red Cross.

9) To prevent supplies from reaching the south and to prevent the south from earning money off the exportation of cotton.

10) It was the Union’s First big win and it became a turning point for them.

11) Lincoln knew that a blow against slavery would make Britain and France less likely to aid the south in the war. He also believed it was important that the president rather than the antislavery republicans in the congress make the decision on putting an end to slavery. So he decided to emancipate, or free, all enslaved African Americans in the south. He announced this plan at such a time that it would not look like it was an act of desperation. Since it applied only to areas that the confederact controlled, it did not actually free anyone. But Lincoln hoped and believed it would give slaves the incentive to run away from their slave owners.

12) In the South men were off fighting in the war and there wasn’t any men left to maintain the crops and fields, so that is was the slaves duty. However in the North the slaves actually fought in the wars.

13) The war not only put them in debt but it was fought on Southern land, so much of their property and land was destroyed during the war.

14) General Lee and his men would be allowed to go home freely and safely as long as they didn’t attack Grant and his men.

15) A West Virginia was formed because there were some who did not support the succession from the Union so they seceded from Virginia and joined the Union.

16) the south used it to transport supplies and in the North it divided the confederate and restricted them from getting or sending supplies.

17) Because no matter what skin color, having the most amount of people on your side in the was is very vital, and it was a war fought for freedom, freedom that African Americans wanted badly.

18) He was a good leader for his men and in return they respected him which helped them work together to get things done. He was also very strategic in planning his attacks.


· Attack on Fort Sumter was fought in 1861 and was the Confederates first attack, and the start of the Civil War.

· Monitor v. Merrimack was fought in 1862, it started a new chapter in naval warfare because it was the first battle fought between two metal ships

· Emancipation Proclamation was issued in 1863 and it showed that the people were fighting for the rights of slaves and their freedom.

· Lincoln is reelected in 1864 helped the push for the confederates to rejoin the Union

· Appomattox Court House was fought in 1865 and was the end of the war, resulting in Lee surrendering.

20.) Cemetery ridge

21.) Ewell

22.) Lee, Ewell, Pickett, Longstreet and Hill.


  1. WHEEEOOOOOWWWW!!!!! You posted this before returning to Skagway! Outstanding job!

  2. thanks fielding...haha...see I'm improving...little by little
