Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chapter 3 sections 3 - 4 numbers 1-6

Section 3

Patroon – the wealthy Landowners who acquired these riverfront estates

Proprietary Colony – a colony in which the owner owned all the land and controlled the government

Pacifist – people who refuse to use force or fight in wars.

1. New Amsterdam was taken over by Patroons, wealthy land owners. After that they renamed the colony New York and then ran as a Proprietary colony. New York has much religious diversity, as well as the rest of Pennsylvania. The Quakers lived there and were seen as a threat to establish traditions. They were Pacifists, people who refuse to use force to fight wars.

2. They granted them the right to elect representatives to the legislature assembly.

3. He that since the land belonged to the Native Americans, the settlers should pay for it, and so he helped make a deal with the Native Americans so there would be peace between them.

4. The puritans believed that the church services and officials were necessary when the Quakers don’t. The Quakers believed that everyone had and “inner light” that could guide them to salvation. Quakers were Tolerant of the views of others.



Type Of government

New York

Proprietary Colony

New Jersey

Representative Assembly


Able to elect representatives (to Legislative assembly)

6 the title is THE MIDDLE COLONIES:

In the key is Grain, Cattle, Fish, Lumber, Rum and Iron.

In Pennsylvania Grain, Cattle, Lumber, Rum and iron were important.

Section 4

Debtor – those who are unable to pay debts

Mission – religious Settlements to convert particular faith.

1) There were many different ways people governed, employed and believed during this time. In most successful colonies they had some type of constitution, or at least some governmental structure in their colony. they also had different levels of people, Rich, poor, slaves and indentured servants—people who worked for a certain amount of time until they pay of their debt to their owner, who paid their way over to America. they were also known as Tenant farmers, people who paid and annually and worked for an estate folder for a certain number of days a year. There were debtors too who were not treated kindly for not repaying their debt. At this time, missions were also occuring which are religious settlements established to convert people to a particular faith.

2 They didn’t really care about the large-scale settlement in North America, their main focus was fishing and hunting and capturing animals for their fur.

3. She was the first Woman lawyer in America. She rebelled against Virginia and then later moved there after demanding the government give her two votes, one for herself—being a landowner—and one for being a legal representative for Lord Baltimore. She was a brave and forceful woman in their government.

4. Bacon’s rebellion gave other people the idea that if someone disagrees with the government then they would be able to rebel against them. Since Bacon made it possible, others were bound to do the same thing, which made caused a lot of difficulty.

5. Spain controlled most of mexico, the Caribbean, and South and Central America. They also expanded into the western and southern parts of America, France controlled Northern Canada.

6. Virginia – Norfolk.

Main products in Georgia – indigo and rice.

Charlestown – major town in South Carolina.

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