Friday, October 29, 2010

Study Questions For Revolutionary War

1) What rebel leaders does Paul Revere ride at midnight to warn?

The british are coming

• April 18th, 1775
• He had volunteered to be an alarm rider
• Milisha men, ready to fight whenever.
• April 19th they were ready to fight

2) In detail, describe how the battle of Concord looked?

Some man accidentally fired a shot
Which started the war
8 colonist dead 2 wounded
first taste of battled
they fired at their own british troops
minute men and milisha men

march back to boston – bloody mess
one in the three hundred bullets one hit
they didn’t have good guns
the red coats were attacked from all side
73 british were killed
it would not end before involving all military powers of the world in the war

3) Why was the Revolutionary War the most important event in U.S. History?

Leagallly greated nation in 1776
Infused into our culture
Things we still stand for today
The war of our independence
Revolutionary war was just a part of the revolution the revolution was

4) How many cities over 10,000 where there in America at the time of the Revolution?


5) Describe the country before the Revolutionary War? Why might not we, in the 21st century, recognize it?
Because of the modernization that we have achieved.

• There were only 2.5 million people
• 4 citys that had population over 10,000
• rivers were highways
• wooded
• colonists saw themselves as the freest people in the world
• land was cheap
• social ladder was short
• wealth was accesable through hard work

6) Why was James Otis important?

Boston lawyer
His writings were the inspiration for all leaders after
Mind be hind it Sam Adams mouth

7) What was Samuel Adams known for?

Organized a political action group called sons of liberty

8) Describe the Patriotic Leaders.

• Noble idealists
• They had self interested motives and they were cunning, they would do whatever they had to get what they wanted

9) What percent of the population, according to John Adams, wanted liberty?

One third wanted it one third didn’t and one third didn’t care.

10) Discuss how the events of the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party lead to the Revolutionary War.

Boston Massacre
• a clash between British troops and townspeople in Boston in 1770, before the Revolutionary War. The British troops fired into a crowd that was threatening them, killing five.
• The soldiers had been sent to help the British government maintain order and were resented even before the incident
• The killing of the townpeople increased the colonists' desire toward revolution.
Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party was the effect of the Tea Act, in which all tea incoming to America was greatly taxed. The events of the Boston Tea Party sparked rebellion in the People, and was one of several intolerable acts made by the British which led to the founding fathers creating the continental congress. The year before Benjamin franklin had come up with the idea of the continental congress but it failed until the tea party.


  1. Jayce - look at question one?

    Sam Adams and John Hancock.

  2. haha wow! see fielding! i cant read! haha
