Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Don't Know Much About History

1) Why does the author suggest that John Brown had a sense of humor?

· President Buchanan puts a price on Brown’s head set at $250, and Brown jokingly responded with a bounty of $2.50 on Buchanan’s.

2) What was John Brown's plan?

· Brown’s plan was to arm the slaves who would flock to his crusade and establish a black republic in the Appalachians to war against slave holding in the south.

3) Why did John Brown become a symbol?

· He became a symbol for the abolitionist movement and he was caught and put on trial for the cause. Many decided he was a martyr in a just cause.

4) When and why did South Carolina succeed from the Union?

· December of 1860. South Carolina found out that Lincoln would become president so it became the first state to declare its’ secession from the Union.

5) List some of the advantages of the North at the beginning of the war. List some of the advantages of the South at the beginning of the war.

· There were more people in the north, more money and they increased their wartime supplies better then the south.

· The south fought a defensive war, they had a greater martial spirit, they owned their own weapons (rifles) and they had better leaders.

6) List some of the (5) famous battles of the Civil War with a brief description of each.

· Bombarding of fort Sumter – was the battle that officially started the war, lack of supplies causes the fort’s commander to surrender after South Carolina militia forces bombard them.

· First Battle of Bull Run – a confederate victory due to poor union generalship. Fought in Manassas Virginia. About 30,000 soldiers on each side.

· The Seven Days’ battle – June 26th to July 2nd in 1862. Lee attacks and drives McClellan from Richmond, which ends the Peninsular Campaign, which very well could have captured Richmond and ended the war.

· Battle of Antietam – bloody and crucial turning point of the h. With Lee offensive stalled, the likelihood of European recognition of the south is reduced, which is what they had hoped for for winning the war.

· Battle of Appomattox Court House – General Robert E. Lee surrenders his army here, in 1865. This is then end of the Civil war.

7) How do you view Lincoln's suspension of "the writ of habeas corpus"?

· I don’t agree with it because it was unconstitutional and it gave generals the right to detain thousands of people if the thought they were a threat to safety.

8) What if Lee's plan had not been found at the battle of Antiem?

· If Lee’s plans weren’t given to McClellan at the battle of Antietam then the Confederacy probably would have won. If the Confederacy hadn’t won this battle then since this was such a big turning point in the war, they may not have actually won the war.

9) What was the reconstruction?

· It is a way to rebuild the south while bringing them into the Union. It would readmit states after they had ratified the thirteenth amendment, abolishing slavery. Parts of the plan included giving up ones beliefs and adopting those beliefs of the north, and accepting the fourteenth amendment, which allowed blacks to vote.

10) Why did the Klu Klux Klan form?

· A group that rebelled against the part of the reconstruction that allowed blacks to be involved in politics. They used political terrorism to frighten blacks as well as white republicans

11) Discuss Andrew Johnson's impeachment.

· He was the fist president to be impeached. Under Article II section 4 of the constitution the president may be impeached if they are convicted of briber, treason or other high crimes. Since Johnson tried to dismiss war secretary Edwin M Stanton, the house impeached him.

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