Friday, February 25, 2011

Journy book questions 7-23

7. The transcontinental railroad brought many jobs to America, and the wild west. It made it easier and faster to transport goods and people. It boosted the nation's steel industry and coal industry. It also set up new towns along the railroad. It helped construction and agriculture companies flourish. It helped out ranchers and farmers a lot because they were able to transport crops and cattle.

8. The Chisholm trail led from central Texas to Abilene, Kansas.

9. There were buffalo and other game they weren't used to. It was basically unsettled so it wasn't crowded. It was nice and flat for planting crops. Free land was offered by new laws, and the railroad made it easier and cheaper to get there. There was also the promise of gold out west.

10. They were a very large group of African Americans who moved from the south to settle in Kansas, escaping former slave states.

11. It addressed the lack of rain and moisture in the midwest and western states.

12. There was a mass hunting of buffalo by white people for a few years. They did it to feed the railroad workers and so buffalo wouldn't be in the way. This led the buffalo to near extinction.

13. Oklahoma.

14. He was an Indian leader. He was a chief of the Apache. He led raids against white settlers and he kept attacking them. He escaped them multiple times. He ended up being the last chief to surrender to the whites, holding on long past his contemporaries.

15. It offered farmers education, fellowship, and support. It gave them things such as libraries, social gatherings, and cooperatives.

16. They supported shorter work days, free silver, private companies owning the railroad and telegraph lines, limiting presidency and vice presidency to a single term, secret ballots, and electing senators directly, and a national income tax.

17. People set up boomtowns (like Skagway!) near gold fields as a place for miners to live while they searched for gold. They also set up towns along the railroad to run railway stations for gold and goods and people to pass through.

18. The railroad was able to transport cattle to places they wouldn't have been able to go otherwise. This allowed ranchers to be able to make money off of their cattle by selling them to people in places where there wasn't cattle.

19. The banks were charging them astronomical interest on their loans. The price they could sell their crops for was getting lower and lower, but the price they paid for equipment and seeds and things stayed at the same high place. They were consistently going into debt and being unable to get themelves out until they had to sell their farms or go bankrupt.


The movement of whites onto Native American lands, and the slaughter of buffalo.

The United States Army attacked Indians a bunch.

The Reservation Policy forced Indians into small, unfarmable plots of land.

21. Montana.

22. North.

23. They lived in the Arizona territory.

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